sábado, 24 de enero de 2015

Society 3.0

6 comentarios:

  1. For me the most interesting thing was the society 3.0 because we are living it now. We can find that all the technologies we thought were far from us are already next door, we are going as fast as the technologies do; this is good because it helps us to develop tools to teach. Fernando Ortegon.

  2. I liked this presentation the most mainly because I enjoy the idea of a future in which the boundaries between those who educate and those who are educated. The presentation itself was well done. The speakers were clear and to the point without taking too much time lingering in a single point of their explanation, which I found very good.

  3. Personally I believe that this presentation was the most interesting for me. Nowadays, technology has become a significant part in our daily life and I’m concerned about how technology is going to change our lives in the near future. I found the presentation very good and the presenters made it understandable for everyone. Good job. Daniel Ramirez

  4. I feel interested in this topic because it is our future; besides we already have some knowmads in our society, it is supposed that there will be more and more due to the change of the education system, which is expected to be more organicist and less mechanicist. As a result we will learn by doing like in society 1.0, and we will use the technology advances as we do today but we are going to be more critic.
    Because of the goverment, it would be a difficult change; they are not beneficiaries of this so they do not approve this type of education. Nevertheless this is what we expect for the future society and it would be ideal.

  5. I really liked this presentation for two reasons. This presentation was totally compeling for me since it has a good design and it is totally original.Also, I liked this because it was one of my favorite topics on this reading. It is incredible what we can achieve if we know how to work each other. I still think it is very difficult to get in sort of society because a lot of us are still egostitical and for achieving this kind of society we should think only on ourselves since this society is for everyone of us; it is not only for some people.

  6. In my opinion I think that this presentation was the most interesting beacuse the society 3.0 is the future for us, we most use the new technologies to create new knowledge, to interconect the people around the world, nowadays we are using this technologies to make our lives more easy but also we most be careful because this techlogies will create lazy people, so we most find a balance in order to create a perfect society 3.0
