lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015


Manuel Becerra Polanco is a full-time professor at the University of Quintana Roo, in Cozumel. This presentation is about the use of ICT, social networks and learning English as a Second or Foreign Language.

29 comentarios:

  1. After listening and watching this video, I realized that the fluency wasn't clear enough, also, the background and images used from his display were uncomfortable. Over all, his content was relevant. Thanks Teacher Isabel!

    1. Dear Elsa, Thank you for your constructived comments. The assignment was to make comments about the content or make questions about the use of Web 2.0 resources or apllications in teaching an specific skill or subskills.

  2. First of all, what was relevant from this video is how this teacher summarized the chnages that technology has had throughout the time. Moreover, his explanation cast light on the significance that technology has for teachers to use it properly with the purpose of enhancing the quality of education. Furthermore, in this case, as future English teachers, we should be aware of how we use technological tools for our language classes. Besides, as he stressed, we can apply technology for making the English language classes not only more enjoyable but also fruitful. Finally, as he pinpointed, teachers should not be afraid of using technology for educational purposes. #Team2

  3. I liked all the information but the images and the way he was explaining wasnt very clear

  4. Team #1

    How far it is necessary to change the paradigm without affecting the educational model it implemented?
    Or needs to be changed this model completely?

    As it was mentioned in the video, there are schools where technology is implemented to improve the knowledge. According to this. What happen if in the classroom a minority don't have access to the technologies required to complete the activity?

    Does the teacher need to change the whole activity in relation to the minority in classroom? And, if it's not changed, how the teacher can avoid to make the minority feel cut out from the group?

    1. I liked very much yor comment Shirley! I think that we always have to be interested in the minority for not making them inferior in some ways

  5. Team #1

    How far it is necessary to change the paradigm without affecting the educational model it implemented?
    Or needs to be changed this model completely?

    As it was mentioned in the video, there are schools where technology is implemented to improve the knowledge. According to this. What happen if in the classroom a minority don't have access to the technologies required to complete the activity?

    Does the teacher need to change the whole activity in relation to the minority in classroom? And, if it's not changed, how the teacher can avoid to make the minority feel cut out from the group?

    1. Hi Shirley, good reflexion, as teachers we tend to select and design activities but sometimes we don´t think about the minority. In my experience when i am teaching with technology generally, I ask this. Who has internet at home? who has a mobile with camera and internet? in order to identify minority and integrate work groups. In this way working in groups let me design strategies where all students are able to use technology, share information, learn from others and be included in class.

  6. Well, our team thougt that the information on this video is really important to take advantage of the technology that we handl everyday. Also, the way that you gave us your view was really easy to understand. Thank you for taking the time to do the video and giving us a really useful information. We have a question:What would the most appropriate application to develop the speaking skill be?

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Team #3
    America Ancona
    Alejandrina Santos
    Karen Villanueva

    We find this video really interesting because we have always thought that using technology in the classroom helps the students' learning and provides them a lot of resources to develop different skills and improve their knowledge.

    Educational technology is a subject that has helped us to have more knowledge about how to teach in a near future using different kinds of tools that will make us effective teachers and the learning process will be easier for our students.

    We got interested in the learning theories because as future teachers we must know how to motivate students to learn another language.

    Our question is, how would you relate the cognitivism with reading skill?

  9. Equipo #7
    Mariana Ruelas, Janai Beutelspacher, Karina Cahuich, Arturo Andrade

    It was good to hear the content of our subject in words from another professor; there were the same topics that we have studied and seen but from another perspective. It is always good to have different perspectives from the same topic.
    We appreacite that you took your time to give us this presentation :)

  10. Team #8
    Victor Hugo, Ulises Manzano, Brian Hernández, Alexa Clarke.

    Technology over the years is being implemented as a resource to develop new strategies in addition obtaining suitable results in learning the English language.
    There are different types of applications mentioned in this video to convey information or to get a better reception of information explained by teachers and be able to perform jobs or tasks broadly.

    With regard to these applications, we know that over time they have evolved and are becoming more complex combined they are much easier to obtain. So our question how can we percieve which would be the best aplication to teach a new language to students?

  11. I expected a little bit more of the professor experience working with certain technological platforms more than a plain talk about technology. What I like the most of his talks is that he recognize technology as a tool for a goal more than a mean for distraction which wrongly many people hasn’t understand this conception. Also the versatility of proposal for new technologies and how they could be used was a good thing. Having fresh and reliable technology uses never comes better than today.
    Team #2 Jonathan

    1. Hi Jonathan, sorry to be short with the info, yes, Technology is a tool and not the solution for teaching and bad teachers. In our educational system we have big problems, but technology as a tool can help us to survive. In short, my experience with platforms has not been long, i have worked with moodle, blogs, wikis, but at the end, I enjoyed most working with EDMODO, this tool has the best part from FACEBOOK and MOODLE but in educational focus. Take a look! greetings.

  12. Team 7
    Oscar Cruz, Saul Chan, Miguel Puc, Jannet Aviña.

    We really enjoyed your presentation because we realized that 2.0 resources have completely changed the way of learning. nowadays, students and teacher are using this technological tools but they do not aware that they are being innovative in their classes.
    We have a question, what are the implications using this resources in a big group?

    1. Good question, yes sometimes big groups in a learning virtual environment could have problems due to a bad instructional design, bad selection of tools, and lack of communication. These points are really important to take in mind when we are working with big groups; nonetheless, actually exist an alternative to work with groups called it MOOC ( massive open online course). Many universities in USA have been using it in the last years.

  13. Team 5
    Ruth Miguel, Fer Ortegon, Gardenia Menjivar, Abril Cuevas.

    We liked the way you take common-trending apps, such as whatsapp, and turn them into learning or teaching tools. We consider this really important because is a good way of attract people's attention, we need to remember that nowadays, communicative apps (facebook, instagram, twitter, whatsapp) are being using not only by young people, but also by children and adults, so what could be better than use them as a tool and also they would facilitate learning or teaching process because they are apps everyone knows how to use.

  14. Team # 6
    Sugey Yazuri Duran Lima
    Alejandra Lima Mendes
    Roxana Dominguez Moreno
    Maria Esther Cruz Navarro
    Ruth Rodas Jimenez
    We think that this video is too useful and interesting because it explains us that technology could help teachers to improve students’ learning. As the video says, most of teachers think that technology and 2.0 resources are only a distractor for students so they prefer to follow with the old and typical paradigm of using the book, the notebook and a pencil. This is a wrong way of thinking because they do not know that they could take advantage of these resources and integrate them into the classes. They could take them as tools or strategies to improve learning in the classroom. Also, before, students did not have access to the tools that our generation has. They only learnt by repetitive exercises and readings. Now, we have access to more visual things like videos and on-line games, so our learning is better.
    Another important thing that was mentioned in the video is the explanation of how the technology has changed throughout the time. It says that in the past, we had to use one technological appliance for every activity we wanted to do, but now we can do all those activities in only one appliance.
    Finally, we think that teachers should not be afraid of using technology; they have to take the risk and integrate it in the classes so they could develop students’ professional potential.

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. TEAM #5

    Andrea Uch Lara
    Ana Karen Cortes Martinez
    Silvia Monserrat Pacheco Constantino
    Alicia Cecilia Juárez Rodríguez

    We, as team, thought that using technology for the languages learning was an excellent idea. Technology used as a learning tool has lots of future in this world, who knows? maybe ovnis use it, too..

    The learning strategies will be developed with the help of technology. Having remembered the time we thought it was funny because some of us lived that time of giant discman and big stereos and now everything is different , new generations are born in a golden edge with everything in his hands because of internet. But this new generation needs to concentrate in positive things and take advanteges of it, instead of losing time in useless distractions.

    "The evolution of technology helps nowadays to improve language skills" that phrase liked us the most because we are in the way of doing our final project and we agree with him in the sense that we can take advantage from our cellphones or tablets to practicings all day (Computers are old fashion now).

    Good Job, may be one day we will be able to listen a conference from you :)

  17. Team #4

    We really liked this video because the professor
    Manuel talked about the main tools that are used
    for entertainment and also can be used for teaching.
    He also talked about how time has changed since
    we were children until now. The children from this
    time have more technology than we used to have.
    This shows us how important technology is
    getting nowadays. Besides that we think that there
    are many things that perhaps are not explained
    with details, or examples. In that way we could
    have a broad broad criterion.

  18. Team #4

    Well, we really liked this video. We have been learning in our Educational Technology of how to use technology in an English class and it is very interesting the proposals he offers, for example, we believe it's a great idea to try to use everyday-apps, like Whatts App, for educational purposes. It is great to try to find a way to introduce technology into our learning to make it more successful and, hey.p, why not? More fun and interactive!!
    It was a great presentation, perhaps, the only thing we might critique is his delivery. It was very plain and if his purpose was to show how to use technology into making classes more appealing, well, this presentation isn't helping that much. Also, he had many mistakes that, if he is learning about technology, we would have expected him to be able to edit the video properly. But overall, we think he did a fine job.

  19. Sorry for the delay.
    As the teacher Manuel Becerra said. Actually , many people think that using technology is separating us from real communication, but what we have to take into account as future teachers is how to get benefits from technology for teaching. For instance, nowadays most of the people have a mobile with an android system and we know that there are many apps could be used through this system. So, we can implement our class with an app for students can practice and improve certain English skills. It is very important to know that our responsibility as future teachers is to teach our students to use technology in a correct way. Many thanks teacher for remembering us, that sometimes we forgot about all the good things that technology provides us, and we just focus on the common use that it gives us.
    “There can be infinite uses of the computer and of new age technology, but if teachers themselves are not able to bring it into the classroom and make it work, then it fails.” – Nancy Kassebaum

    1. Hi, you are right, multiple benefits with apps and most of them free, but without a digital literacy we don´t have enough information. The new teachers like you said before, they will face up with digital and autonomous kids, asking for a new teaching method. Are you ready to face up the challenge?

  20. First of all i want to take for giving us part of your time. I share your opinion. nowadays we are so close to technology and we can give it a great use in order to learn or teach certain topics. If we give apply technology on our benefit we can get good results.

    1. Yes, that´s right, most of time we are thinking in technology as a trendy option. We want the iphone 6 just to be in fashion but we don´t know how to use the multiple educational apps. :(

  21. It was an interesting video about the history and how to use technology to teach a second language. I was expecting hear about examples of how the Professor Manuel Becerra Polanco has applied modern technology to his teaching.
